Room for Wildlife
An estimated 20 Florida acres fall each hour to growth. The remaining wild areas where animals like Florida’s panther and black bear live are becoming isolated, making it harder for them to survive. As more of Florida’s rural woods and pastures transition to urban centers, can we live in ways that let wild animals keep their homes, too? We report from Central Florida on a conservation easement that could soon house a road connecting new cities. And we examine the rise in human-bear interactions, and whether bears can thrive in our fast-urbanizing state.

(Illustration by Jerald Pinson)

Road to Nowhere?
A proposed road through the Split Oak Forest, set aside for relocating imperiled native species such as gopher tortoises, reveals the intensity of development pressures in Central Florida. By Christine Swanson

Living in Bear Country
Human-bear interactions are on the rise in Florida. Can wild bears thrive in a fast-urbanizing state? By Gabrielle Seminara
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