With more-compact development, protection of natural lands and waters and a serious commitment to work on climate change, Florida can preserve the best of what draws so many people here in the first place. We curate seven of the most-fundamental solutions for a livable Florida, according to experts. We look at some of the coastal counties getting serious about sea rise. And finally, we tell the story of tiny Cedar Key, a rare Florida example of a community managing growth and building resilience as it preserves its working heritage and keeps its water clean. Can we all learn something from Florida’s tiniest fishing village?

(Illustration by Jerald Pinson)
Seven Must-Do Solutions
Experts suggest these fundamentals will help Florida adapt to sea rise and other impacts of climate change. By Shelby Schwartz

Planning for Rising Seas
Without statewide leadership on climate change, some of Florida’s coastal communities are forging ahead on solutions. By Tucker Berardi

Working on Water
What can the rest of us learn from Florida´s tiniest fishing village? By Giovanna Breda Kubota